Centre for Business Excellence
A Centre for Business Excellence is established in each country where ISCM Foundation does a large project
A Centre for Business Excellence is established in each country where ISCM Foundation does a large project. Suitably qualified local professionals are recruited, hired and trained to work in the centre. They will deliver educational programs that benefit the project in general and the business community at large.
Local professionals are trained in the centre to build capacity for the country.
CBE office in DRC
Nouvelles galeries présidentielles building
Rez de Chaussée, local 15,
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Tel: +243 822912010
Email: dieudonne.cirhigiri@iscmfoundation.org
CBE Office in South Africa
ADI Building, Block A
26 Victoria Link
Irene, Pretoria
South Africa
Tel: +27 72 648-2688
Email: madoda.dhlamini@iscmfoundation.org