Systemic Environmental Solutions
We dragen actief bij aan de verwezenlijking van de doelstellingen van het Akkoord van Parijs
Our initiative is founded on offering industries with significant environmental footprints to use viable alternative solutions to reduce CO2 emissions and pollutants.
The coal and agricultural sectors, oil and gas and the chemical industry have been contributing to the prosperity of our societies for more than a century.
Vandaag de dag ondersteunt Systemic Environmental Solutions (SENS) deze industrieën met gepatenteerde technologie, die de implementatie van overgangsprogramma’s vergemakkelijkt.
Systemic Environmental Solutions (SENS) responding with patented new technology to the industry challenges of the Coal, Rubber and Agricultural business.
- Coal Mining Sector, applying “Coal to Clean Carbon” solutions to decarbonise Steel and Power Plants
Reducing up to 60% CO2 emissions, enhancing up to 40% energy efficiencies
- Agricultural Sector, mining Coal to produce Organic Fertilizer
Boosting crop yield by 30% and cut chemical fertilizer up to 70%
- Oil and Gas Sector, repurposing Rubber for the production of organic cleaning solvent for pipelines, tanks and oil wells. A thinner, a diluent for crude oil and derivates
Recycling products with lower cost and higher efficienciesWe apply our technological and financial solutions with short lead time delivery