Codice di condotta
Linee guida sulla conduzione di affari etici
Codice di condotta
La Fondazione ISCM è un’organizzazione di fiducia che fornisce un quadro in cui le persone reperiscono il capitale necessario per creare e sostenere il business. Il nostro codice di condotta evidenzia l’importanza della fiducia, un insieme concordato di valori e comportamenti che vengono applicati nella nostra condotta quotidiana degli affari.
Linee guida sulla conduzione di affari etici
I valori e i comportamenti condivisi sono determinanti per la fornitura di servizi aziendali.
La Fondazione ISCM mantiene gli strumenti di controllo, utilizzando la tecnologia, gli strumenti legali solo per citarne alcuni, al fine di prevenire e gestire eventuali comportamenti scorretti.
La Fondazione ISCM prospera parallelamente alle economie, l’equilibrio sociale e la pace. Costruisce il suo benessere servendo tutte le parti interessate e i membri della comunità in modo olistico, mostrando considerazione per le priorità applicabili.
Rimaniamo in costante dialogo con le parti interessate, riflettendo sui loro effetti sulla società e creando prosperità.
Principi generali
Valore # 1:
Promuovere la crescita delle parti interessate con un effetto economico sui contributi alla grande società.
Un business redditizio è, in ultima analisi, fondamentale per la creazione di benessere. L’obiettivo è di condividere una crescita equilibrata tra gli investitori e la comunità.
Valore #2:
Mettere in pratica la correttezza negli affari con un’adesione attiva a un codice di condotta, che rappresenti la morale applicata agli affari.
Mettere in paratica l’equità attraverso regole di “buon senso” che assicurino un trattamento commerciale vantaggioso per tutte le parti, nei limiti della bontà di fede e della rettitudine.
Valore #3:
Sottolineare l’etica degli affari mettendo in atto la sincerità e l’apertura.
La sincerità, l’integrità e la veridicità sono un riflesso di un comportamento etico guidato coscientemente, che deriva da un profondo sistema di credenze e di valori.
Valore #4:
Racchiudere la dignità umana in tutti i rapporti d’affari.
Comprendere l’effetto dei rapporti sulla società umana e considerare successivamente l’impatto potenzialmente distruttivo sui diritti individuali con attività commerciali alternative.
Valore #5:
Mantenere il rispetto per l’ambiente.
Tenere in considerazione il benessere e perseguire un comportamento responsabile, quando le nostre azioni incidono sulle risorse ambientali per il benessere futuro.
Stakeholder Relations
A stakeholder is any individual or group who has an interest in, or is affected by, an organisation. The focus is typically on internal or external direct providers; yet other stakeholders exist in a complex network of internal, external, primary or secondary, and even indirect relationships. All play a part in the wider network of enabling, or potentially adversely affecting, an organisation to meet its strategic objectives.
Stakeholders have distinct, sometimes conflicting, roles and have diverse interests such as that of provider, user, influencer, or responsibility for governance. ISCM will conduct an analysis during the initial phase of a project to identify all stakeholders, clarify understanding of respective roles, interests and expectations, and put in place an agreed framework with processes to monitor progress and channel communications.
Only by engaging with stakeholders through this framework based on mutual respect and trust can respective commitments be delivered and potential conflicts of interest that may arise between stakeholders be addressed. Jointly developed processes will ensure the realisation of inclusive strategic objectives that avoid and overcome conflicts and fulfil not only legal and corporate obligations, but create and balance sustainable, socially responsible outcomes.
Corporate clients are the primary stakeholder and ISCM will strive to deliver service performance of the highest standard to achieve agreed outcomes. Mutually supportive professional delivery, trust and integrity are fundamental to successful engagement, manifest through respect for confidentiality, ethical behaviour, effective communications and delivering on agreed objectives.
Management, and as appropriate designated employees, of stakeholders will be engaged in a clear dialogue to clarify respective roles and deliverables, and to establish effective channels of communication and working relationships. Rights of employees will be respected and opportunities for development and training will be utilised to enable growth and enhance overall outcomes both individual and institutional.
Investors are financially rewarded through positive business performance and ISCM believes in honouring the trust placed in them, and whilst sound financial returns are the fundamental in meeting investor expectations, other stakeholders have an interest in the business outcomes.
ISCM will engage with designated stakeholders to develop inclusive agreement on the realisation of strategic objectives based not only on financial expectations and legal obligations, but that also create and balance sustainable and socially responsible outcomes.
Suppliers are part of the value chain in providing services to clients. It is vital for suppliers to meet expectations regarding dependability and delivery in terms of timelines, products, services, materials and resources. Equally, suppliers need to be provided with transparent and consistent guidelines, particularly regarding timetables, costing and pricing policy.
Holistic business strategy takes into account wider social responsibilities for the community whilst complying with legal and financial requirements such as tax obligations, health, safety, and governance requirements.
ISCM aims to maximise positive outcomes for the community and minimise negative aspects; this may involve guiding businesses, governments and local communities with risk management, developing sustainable financial processes and eliminating or minimising adverse ecological effects.
Secondary stakeholders
Secondary stakeholders do not normally have direct financial or operational involvement in an organisation but may have significant indirect influence. Examples are competitors, shareholders, the media, trade unions, government agencies and pressure groups.
Awareness of, and respect for secondary stakeholder needs and interests involves collecting and assessing related information, a readiness to explain and justify actions and decisions, and installing compliance and monitoring procedures that detect and correct shortfalls. Overall, taking account of secondary stakeholder interests is more than complying with laws or industry standards; it is fundamental to organisational purpose and public trust.