Integrity Platform
An independent Integrity Platform audits all financial transactions
An independent Integrity Platform audits all financial transactions to ensure compliance and reduce financial risks. The invited platform members consists of reputable international law firms and auditing organizations.
External Compliance Officer
Advocate Jop Fellinger
Fruytier Lawyers in Business
Email: jfellinger@flib.nl
Tel: +31 6 51 327 211
Q-port, Kingsfordweg 99
1043 GP Amsterdam
The Netherlands
External Audit and Fraud Examiner
Robert Scherrer
Wirth Treuhand AG
Email: robert.scherrer@wirth-treuhand.swiss
Tel: +41 44 289 70 70
Brandschenkestrasse 178,
8002 Zürich
External Legal
Michael J Stepek
Winston & Strawn LLP
Email: mstepek@winston.com
Tel: +44 20 7011 8754
Level 33, 100 Bishopsgate
London EC2N 4AG
United Kingdom